Hello, my name is Janice, and I’m a fabricaholic.
I haven’t been able to quilt for the last 6 weeks, but I can certainly online shop while the baby is eating and sleeping (he still won’t usually take naps unless he is ON me, but we are working on that). Needless to say, this is making a small dent in my bank account, but at least I am finally building a small stash, since I haven’t been able to use any of the fabric I am buying. Liam and I even went down to the LA fabric district yesterday to check out Michael Levine. I could have stayed and explored that fabric store for hours! I had to stay on Liam’s schedule though. He was not quite as impressed and slept the entire time.
Once I can figure out how to sew like this, I will be golden:
Liam is enjoying all the things mommy made for him. Here he is on the Superman Blanket looking like a charming little boy. Where did my tiny newborn baby go??
You hadn’t been to Michael Levine’s before? I am in love with that place. The selection is to die for. Looks like you came away with quite the stash for someone who wasn’t in there for very long.
This is all stuff I bought online! I just bought a few items at Michael Levine for a swap I recently did (photos to come). I want to go back soon! It was nice to see all the fabrics I have been oogling online in person.