Oh gosh, I FINALLY finished the bird mobile for my friend (her baby is a month old…eeek!). Between not being motivated due to the heat and balancing issues with the branches, it has taken me WAY too long. I really thought this one would go faster, since I had already made a mobile, but it didn’t! As I said in a comment I left about my own bird mobile, it really IS a labor of love to string these little birdies up and balance them. I think if I were making more of them, I would find a much quicker method of hanging them that requires less brain power and trial and error, though the finished outcome is totally worth it!
I used a mix of new fabrics, fabrics I have collected over the years and vintage scraps that I discussed here. I didn’t have a great place to take photos of the mobile, since it isn’t going to be hung from my own ceiling, but you can get the idea:
So cute Janice! What a lucky friend!
No, what an EXTREMELY lucky friend AND lucky baby! I can’t wait to hang this up. Betty is just now starting to look at things w/ interest, so your timing is actually perfect!
Oh, and is it okay if I feature this on next Monday’s FaN?
Oh course it is fine! I’ll bring it over Friday when ever you you like. Christian can probably get better photos than I did:)
Hi – Gorgeous! Would you be in to making another bird mobile? Love all the photos, but particularly the first one. Thanks for considering and letting me know the cost. Best, Troy