It’s that time of year again for the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!
This time I am giving away a PDF bundle of five of my patterns, including Gaggle of Geese, which will be released next week.
You can enter twice:
1. Leave a comment, any comment. Maybe tell me which pattern is your favorite or if you would use rainbow fabrics, or something else.
2. Follow me either on my blog, or on Instagram (Betteroffthread) and then leave a second comment on my blog saying that you followed me.
The giveaway is open until Friday December 12th at 5pm PST. I will pick a winner by random number generator and notify them by Sunday. Giveaway is open to anyone!
It would be impossible for me to choose a favorite of your patterns. I love them all! Thanks for the giveaway, and Happy Holidays!
I LOVE both of the flying geese patterns….it’s too hard to choose only one ,so -I am choosing both even if I can’t win
spiral and gaggle are the best. thank for this giveaway
I know for sure I would have to make them all. Just stunning!
I follower of your blog
I like the spiral the best, although they are all lovely!
Love them all, but the Gaggle is spectacular!!
And of course I’m following you on IG!
I love the NY Beauty. I’ve been eyeing it for awhile!
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Hi Janice! What a Wonderful Giveaway, and Thank You so Much for Doing This. I Love Your Designs, and have been Saving Pictures of Them for Quite some Time Wanting to find the Perfect Inspiration for them! This May Be it! I have Been Infatuated with the Spiral of Flying Geese Quilt since I first layed eyes on it! But, as for Colors….this could be a Tough Question. I Love Brights, but Truly Feel I need to Expand my Horizons to other Palattes…maybe I need to just throw a few Darks into the Brights, or a few Homespuns….HA!
I really want to try gaggle of geese–I have tons of rainbow scraps that would be perfect for that pattern!
I love Gaggle of Geese 🙂
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Thanks for the giveaway! I love the Gaggle of Geese. Great to see it in person at LAMQG.
I get email from you & love it! 🙂
I follow you on IG too 🙂
I especially like the New York beauty geese. I’ve always admired NYB blocks and have yet to make any of them 🙂
I love all of your patterns but I think my favorite is the NY Beauty Circle of Flying Geese
And I do, of course, follow you. By email, which is how I knew to come enter. So many geese, yay!
Thanks for this giveaway I LOVE all of these!!!
I like the spiral pattern. The rainbow is beautiful for photos, but I think I might try a more muted palette.
NY Beauty Circle of Flying Geese is my favorite.
Love them all, especially the NY Beauty!
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I love the Spiral of Flying Geese
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Happy Holidays
CheapTarts – My Instagram
I really like all your patterns but my favorite is spiral of flying geese! I love spirals.
Thanks for the chance!
I follow your blog! Thanks for writing!
WOW It’s Christmas and you are giving away the best presents. I would have to say that
Spiral of Flying Geese is my favorite. Although your new pattern is quite tempting.
Sue Cox
I’ve been intrigued by your Spiral of Flying Geese pattern for a while and just recently followed your progress on Gaggle of Geese on Instagram and love both!
Can’t choose…love ’em all!
I love your right round pattern and as a new quilter would like to learn how to make flying geese.
I’m following you on Instagram as BananaShowcase.
I like the spiral of flying geese. We have a lot of geese that like to make a pit stop in the field by our house. They are fun to watch.
I am obsessed yet afraid of “spiral of Geese” It is only my quilty bucket list….
Nicole aka saphre1964
what a great Give Away/ Merry Christmas present!! Been watching these patterns come up on your instagram feed and loving them.
I love the Spiral of Flying Geese….it’s especially beautiful in the rainbow colors!
I’d love to make one of your patterns in ombre fabrics, so pretty!
They are all so great, why choose, lol!! I follow your instagram!!
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I follow your blog…..thanks for the giveaway! Happy Holidays to all!
Love them all, but spiral is my favorite!
I have been admiring all of them for a while, but the Gaggle of Geese is the one I am really attracted to. I would use a rainbow or colorwheel of Cherrywood Fabrics against a white – I have used this combo in paper piecing before and it really pops!
I follow your blog using Blogger.
I love the spiral of flying geese pattern! Thanks for the giveaway!
Already a follower on IG 🙂
I love gaggle of geese! I’d definitely use rainbow colors!
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Great patterns and I am specialy drawn to the spiral of flying geese.
I would love to wine a giveaway!!
I follow your blog with bloglovin’
I love these patterns! I’m a rainbow lover so I’d have to stick with rainbow! -amyjoquilts
I love all of your patterns but the first one I would make is the Spiral of Flying Geese. Thanks for the giveaway!!
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I love the spiral of flying geese but curves scare me so I have not made it yet!
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I have always been fascinated with the Spiral of Geese and would love to make it in primary colors..
I am a follower of yours.
What a super giveaway! My goal for January is to try flying geese, so I’d love the spiral… and definitely in a rainbow!
I’m a happy IG follower.
All so pretty but I think Gaggle’s my fav!!
I follow your blog via email 🙂
I would love to try gaggle of geese! I’d do a rainbow – what you’ve done is wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway x
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I seriously love all of them… but Gaggle of Geese would probably be my first project. 🙂
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They are all wonderful but Gaggle of Geese is my favorite or maybe it’s Right Round or Spiral of Flying Geese. I just love them all!
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I love that gaggle of geese pattern — it would be perfect for the upcoming rainbow swap
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IG follower as well
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Your spiral of flying geese is pure poetry. And I do like the Gaggle, too.
I follow your blog via email. Haven’t heard from you in a while, though. Life gets busy!
I love all your patterns, but I think I like right round the best.
I subscribe to both your blog and your instagram feed. I find you so inspiring!
Your patterns are beautiful. I want to make them all. But I especially like Flying Geese and Spiral Geese.
I follow your blog.
I really like Gaggle of Geese, I’m not sure I’d ever be brave enough to make it though!
Gosto muito de Hexágonos,uso muito para isso.Obrigada!
I adore right round….but they’re all great. Thanks for the chance.
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I follow you on IG.
Love the Spiral of Geese!
I follow your blog by e-mail.
Seguidora Bloglovim e Email.Obrigada!
I love your color choices, so if I won, I would go with rainbow colors. Plus I have a 6 yr old who loves rainbows.
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In deep love with gaggle of geese! Such a good chance, thank you!
Love your patterns! Ready for some pretty!
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I have made the NY Beauty and loved it. I think I will try the Spiral of Geese next….but it’s so hard to decide I love them all! I follow you on IG and Bloglovin.
I love your web feed and patterns & have been itching to try a cool pattern/ would be a blessing to win
You are one of the first people I started following on Instagram because I was drawn in by your use of color and design. Keep up your wonderful work:)
I LOVE all you patterns, as evidenced by the fact that I have some of them already!! Would love a copy of the ones I don’t have though. You do beautiful work!
I already follow you over on Instagram.
Shared on Twitter and Facebook.
Love you work… I can’t wait to do the pattern I bought and would love to have the rest!
I’m glad I found your blog. It’s one I will go to during my daily exploring
I love these patterns, I think I would be tempted to use rainbow colours especially as I had a bundle of sketch for my birthday last week!
I follow you on IG
Tumbling Cats is so neat. Love the patter.n
I love them all. Who can choose
I already have projects is mind for a couple of these patterns and I would stick to the rainbow theme, I love it! I follow you on IG and have really enjoyed your posts, thanks.
I’ve never made a rainbow-colored quilt, but maybe it’s time!
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ok, for my comment – I love the patterns! I would like to try gaggle of geese but it’s intimidating (and totally cool!).
I love all your patterns and would be thrilled to win them. In fact, I think one or two of your quilts has made it to my collage of “quilts I love” that I’ve put together for mini swaps. One day I’m going to make Gaggle of Geese in solids. That’s gonna happen!!
Thank you for your generous giveaway. And I already follow you on IG!
Love these! I would do a modified color wheel of sorts in a mini quilt for my sewing room!
I already follow you on bloglovin!
The spiral of flying geese is still my favorite and I have the pattern I just haven’t made it yet, but would really like to do it in an ombre fashion.
I love your patterns, Hoping to make at least one someday. And yes I would make them in rainbow fabrics.
I love the gaggle of geese pattern. All your patterns are cute.
All of these are beautiful!
Love your gees patterns
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I like the spiral the best but they are all very pretty!
I’m a big fan of rainbow quilts and/or using gradations, so that’s what I’d likely do. Really fun patterns – thanks for the chance to win!
Gaggle of Geese is gorgeous! I would use my Carolyn Friedlander stash to make one!
I love Gaggle of Geese – If I could afford Kona Fabrics I’d use them in that pattern! Gorgeous work!
Love these patterns!
And yes I follow you on Instagram!
Love all the patterns. I’ve got some fat quarters of Flurry which would do nicely!
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Love the spiral of flying geese!
I follow your blog via email.
Love your patterns, but the spiral flying geese is on top of my list. Already follow you on IG. keep up the inspirational work. K x
I love the variety of the patterns, but the spiral is my favorite
I think I would like to try “Round the Blocks”. Did you notice it’s the only one without flying geese? 😛
Well I was going to say that I liked the spiral best, but having now seen the Gaggle of Geese, I’m smitten.
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Following your blog via e-mail.
Eeeek!! Merry Christmas to me if I win!! Your patterns are AMAZEBALLS and so perfect for sewing the rainbow!! Thanks for an oh-so-awesome giveaway!!
I follow you on Instagram and follow your blog via Bloglovin’!
I love The Gaggle of Geese pattern!
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I would love these patterns. Thinking of using Kaffee fabrics if I win.
I follow your blog.
I love your patterns. I’ve taken screen shots of them in the past and they’re in my future project file.
Already following you on IG does that count?
Gosh I just love them all!
I follow you on instagram and feedly.
I would love to make that NY Beauty circle of flying geese!
Your patterns are beautiful and challenging!!
love all of them, but right round is my fav
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Great giveaway. I like th spiral geese pattern.
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I’m a new follower via email.
I love all the patterns! But I really like a Gaggle of Geese. I like the rainbow colors or maybe a gradation of blues. Thanks for the nice giveaway!
I love all your patterns!!!
I would love to challenge myself to try to sew one of them.
Thank you for the opportunity!
I follow you on Instagram
Right round is awesome!!! Love it!
gorgeous! right round looks fun.
Love the spiral of geese, I’ve had it pinned on Pinterest for ages!
Your Spiral Geese pattern is my favorite!
Just followed you on bloglovin’!
I LOVE the gaggle of geese and think it would look amazing in all color schemes. Thanks for the chance!
love your patterns but I am sure it would be a great challenge for me
I love all of these patterns but gaggle of geese is awesome!
I follow your blog!
They are all awesome, but Gaggle of Geese is exceptionally great!
I would use rainbow fabrics. Thanks.
They are all so pretty but I especially like the spiral of flying geese. I love the rainbow colors.
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I think my favorite is Right Round, and I would definitely use rainbow fabrics!
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I love the spiral – just slightly off balanced. Beautiful. I’d love to create a rainbow quilt one day. Haven’t had the discipline to do that yet.
I think i would try the spiral in blues
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WOW! Love your patterns! The spiral is spectacular.
The gaggle pattern is awesome!
I love Right Round
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Gaggle of Geese — although looks a bit intimidating to me. I would use rainbows, for sure!
following on Instagram.
I’ve been drooling over Spiral of Flying Geese since I saw it on IG! Thanks for the chance to win.
And now I’ve followed you on IG too!
i love the rainbow spiral of geese!
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I love the spiral.
detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
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detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
Oh no! they are all my favorites! And I do love rainbows!
I love them all, but if I think I would like to try the circle of flying geese, especially in the rainbow of fabrics.
I really love the NY Beauty Circle of Geese pattern, and I’d love to make it using rainbow colors!
I’m a new follower on Instagram (nwquiltedcat).
I would say that Gaggle of Geese is my favorite.
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I love your spiral of flying geese. Absolutely stunning! I would love to make it in various shades of a single colour (e.g., blues, ranging from teal/greenish-blue to blue blue to purply-blue).
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love your geese patterns…. and color selections…. somehow mine are not even close….
Spiral of flying geese. I would use batiks
I love the new gaggle of geese pattern!!
I already follow your blog. love it!
love the spiral geese. have been wanting to do something in rainbow colors. Cindy
follow you with bloglovin. Cindy
Spiral Geese is my fav.
There’s no way to pick a favorite – all your patterns are fun and so inviting! I’d love to try any of them 🙂 I love rainbow quilts too, so I probably would go with rainbow colors as you have. Maybe mix up the backgrounds though – I love using black in my backgrounds 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!
Love the spiral geese pattern the best,but the gaggle is pretty sweet too! I would use batiks in a teal and orange combo.
Spiral of flying geese is a favorite of mine.
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Gaggle of Geese in grayscale or some other form of a color study!
I follow on IG, thanks for the awesome giveaway and inspiration.
The Spiral of Flying Geese done in the rainbow is just perfect! I can’t think of any other way that I’d do it! 🙂
I follow on Instagram and your blog using Feedly.
I love all your patterns but would love to do the NY Beauty Circle of Flying Geese using Alison Glass prints in a rainbow color scheme of course!
I love the spiral of flying geese. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
Following on IG too.
My favorite pattern is Spiral Flying Geese…so modern and fresh! I’d use up some of my colorful scraps.
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they are all so geometrical beautiful
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I absolutely love your patterns. I follow you on bloglovin. cdahlgren at live dot com
I would have to choose the Right Round but they are all lovely.
I follow on Instagram. worstmomri
I would want to use rainbow colors, as I love rainbow quilts. I even have enough stash to do it with either solids or patterns. cdahlgren at live dot com
Oh, Gaggle of Geese is making me drool! I’d love to do one in a rainbow, but I’d also love to find enough shades of one color (cough, grey!, cough) to do one like that.
Wow, this is amazing! I have been following your creation of Gaggle of Geese on Instagram and I love it! That one and Spiral of Flying Geese!
Of course I follow you on Instagram!
I really want to learn how to do the spiral of geese. it looks really hard!
also i started following you on instagram- acourtois27
I loved making Right Round (your pattern was great!) and would make Round the Blocks with fussy cuts next! 🙂
I follow your blog via Bloglovin.
I love all your patterns! I couldn’t pick just one!!
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Right Round is my favorite!
I follow your blog.
Wow – I’ve always been smitten with your Spiral of Flying Geese — have just never had the courage to give it a go. Your gaggle of geese looks like great fun! Would love to win your patterns. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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Okay, then. I’ve subscribed to your blog. Thanks, Janice.
Spiral of flying geese is my fave!
They are all great but I really adore Right Round 🙂 Thanks so much for the giveaway!
And I also follow you on Instagram 🙂
The NY Beauty Circle of Flying Geese is stunning!
I follow your blog via email.
Your Spiral of Geese is amazing!
You are so talented – I love all your patterns and finished quilts (just caught myself drooling a bit, oh no!) My vote is for A Gaggle of Geese!
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I LOVE the spiral of flying geese and already own it! Yes to rainbow…all the way!!!
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love the gaggle of geese!!!
Love reading your blog – I follow!!
Love your Gaggle of Geese and Spiral of Flying Geese the best. Your patterns are fabulous and I would love to make them all!!! I do love the rainbow colors, but they would be fun in other ways too!!
I love the Gaggle of Geese pattern (I love them all 🙂 ).
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Hi! I made your Kite Flight quilt before the kits came out. I get so many lovely comments on it. I’ve always loved your spiral geese, but wondered if it was a little too advanced for me. I love using bold colors and making fabric rainbows.
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It’s hard to choose a favourite. They are all lovely. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
I’d love to try Gaggle of Geese. Looks like fun.
Such great patterns. I always wanted to try a New York Beauty!
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Right Round and NY Beauty Circle are wonderful–can’t choose between them!
Wow! It’s harder than I thought to choose just one. I love them all!
I follow on Bloglovin’.:)
Thanks for a chance at this generous giveaway. I follow you through Bloglovin’.
I have a couple of your patterns already. I can already tell that “Gaggle of Geese” will have to be added.
I follow you through InoReader.
Love your flying Geese Pattern
I follow you on IG an here
All your patterns are fab, I have some of them already.
I love your spiral of flying geese pattern – it’s the “cover” photo for one of my Pinterest boards!
I have seen your patterns on Craftsy. They are gorgeous. My favourite today is the Spiral of Flying Geese. Tomorrow could see a different favourite as they are all lovely.
The spiral of flying geese is just amazing and love the colours.
Following on Bloglovin gorgeous blog!
Gaggle of geese is my favorite but they are all beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.
I am new to quilting. I have just finished my first ever quilt top … just got to quilt it and bind it now 🙂
I would love to try a flying geese quilt and yours are beautiful… I love rainbow quilts. They are so beautiful.
I just love your patterns! You are super talented. Thanks for the chance to win one. I follow you on instagram and bloglovin.
Spiral of geese. What a great pattern.
I’ve taken a real liking to flying geese, so I like the flying geese patterns.
The quilts are truly lovely. Great patterns!
I’ve been seeing flying geese in rainbow colors and love them. Thinking about it ~ I’ve been collecting Alison Glass fabrics and I think that’s what I’d use.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
I follow you here on the blog and Instagram!!!
I like the NY beauty pattern. I’d love to give it a try!
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All your patterns are lovely!
I’m feeling a snow themed round of geese.
I have the spiral on my to do list! thanks for the giveaway!
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And I follow you on FB. I gotta say, I just adore your social media icons!
oh, awesome! i love the gaggle of geese pattern! i think maybe rainbow, or one or two colors with shading… hmmm… would look super cool probably any way with colors… thanks for the giveaway! happy holidays! 🙂
My favourite is spiral of geese.
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How talented you are. ‘Spiral’ is my favorite. The quilting sets it off perfectly.
Your patterns are awesome! I just love them. Thanks for the giveaway.
I am a follower on your blog. Thanks
Love the Gaggle of Geese. Would make it in rainbow colors first and then experiment with ombre fabric.
I’d have to say Right Round is my favorite but I’d love to try them all!
I’m a follower on Bloglovin and Instagram 🙂
WOW!! How generous! Love all your patterns, but Gaggle of Geese really catches my eye
all you pattern are awesome but love the gaggle of geese one
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I would love to do any of those quilts with rainbow colors
All of the patterns are wonderful but I love the spiral of geese.
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I already bought New York Circle of Geese and plan to make it the centre of a rainbow medallion quilt… still haven’t had a chance to get started but I have high hopes! I have to say, I love all your patterns.
Hard to choose, they are all great! Love the spiral and NY beauty!
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I would love to try to tackle your circle of flying geese, and I would totally keep the ROYGBIV color theme!
Gaggle of Geese is stunning!
Email follower
Love Gaggle of Geese and I think I would do rainbow coudre @ dmdrafting dot com
I follow you on Instagram coudre @ dmdrafting dot com
All very cute, I think the spiral is my favorite and I love the rainbow look!
I love the gaggle of geese pattern! I have three or four color schemes in mind, and I can’t decide which would be best…always the sign of a fun pattern 🙂
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I love all of these! I love the rainbow hues but I tend to steer away from them when I buy fabric so I would probably use my slightly less bright rainbow fabrics m
I follow you on Bloglovin’.
How can I choose which pattern is a favourite? They’re all so lovely – and cheery and fun!!
What a wonderful excuse to buy more solids!
‘Love these circular designs. Especially the NY Beauty and the Spiral of geese.
Around the blocks is cool! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow via email and now IG.
That spiral of flying geese is too cool
I like Gaggle of Geese, and I’d probably make it in a color wheel first, and then again with a combination of fewer colors.
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I love all your patterns! I think spiral of geese would look great in an ombre color scheme.
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Wow, I watch in awe as you produce your crazy insane geese patterns! If I could find enough shades of blue or grey, I’d love to try the gaggle of geese pattern, with maybe a single rogue coloured goose! Just so it’s not too conforming 😉
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love the swirling flying geese!!!!
I love the spiral! I need to try a rainbow …
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I love all the patterns, it’s impossible to choose that’s why I’m hoping to win them all!
Following the blog and Instagram!
I love the gaggle of geese, but would start to sew the round and round first. I’m planning a cushion with lilac and ditsy florals for a relative and i think it’s work well. I’d have a rainbow one for myself though!
The NY Beauty block is the one I’d most like to try, but I’m interested to see more of the new pattern!
I love Spiral of Flying Geese. I would use rainbow fabrics for sure!
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I follow your blog through Bloglovin.
I love every single one of these patterns! Maybe you could offer them as a bundle? You know, for when I don’t win… 🙂
These patterns are all so perfect in the rainbow that I’m not sure I would mess with that. I could do a teal/aqua ombre look that could also be cool.
now following on Bloglovin, does that count?
all the patterns are wonderful. I would first use NY beauty circle of flying geese. And it would depend on whom I am giving it to as to whether I use multi colors or one color
I love anything “geese”. And, the only thing better than geese is rainbow geese. My fave would be your new pattern. Lots of geese in that one.
Spiral of Flying Geese is my favorite
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I love The Gaggle of Geese! I would definitely use the colors of the rainbow, it makes it pop! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I follow you by email and instagram! Thanks
Such fantastic patterns. I’m torn between Spiral of Flying Geese and Gaggle of Geese. Both so great. I think I would try it with some sort of ombre effect but the rainbow is great. Thanks for a great giveaway!
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The spiraling flying geese pattern has been on my to-do list for awhile
I love the spiral flying geese pattern. I would make them in rainbow fabrics. thanks for a chance.
You certainly have the best giveaways. The really like the Gaggle of Geese pattern . I’d love to win all of them…..thank you for the opportunity….
I would make any of the patterns in some modern vintage fabric… many designers to pick from.
I think my favorite is the flying geese spiral. Great drafting. Not sure how I’d make it — maybe color gradations, maybe just darks to lights as the geese get smaller.
I really love gaggle of geese, and spiral of flying geese is awesome too! (well they all are, but these are my favorites :).
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Spiral of flying geese is my favorite, love rainbow colors.
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I love the sprial flying geese
I am following you… love flying geese! Kathy
I love the spiral of geese and I would love it in rainbows of course!
I just love the spiral pattern. Would love to win these, they all look so great.
I follow your blog by email.
I love spirals and rainbows – but I’d love to try all your patterns.
I’d love to try all of these.
My favorite is “Spiral Flying Geese”, no “Gaggle of Geese”!! Both 🙂 In rainbow. Thank you for the opportunity to try your patterns.
I love the Gaggle of Geese pattern.
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Gaggle of Geese looks brilliant… but so do the others. It’ll be great, anyway.
I like all the patterns but I think I like the Spiral of Flying Geese the best.
I cannot choose a favorite; I love all of your patterns.
I follow you with blog lovin.’
Merry Christmas from Oklahoma. I like gaggle of geese in rainbow colors. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I really like the New York Beauty block with geese!
The spiral is my favourite!
The spiraling geese are cool.
I really love Right Round. Actually the only reason I joined the Rainbow Swap on IG is in hopes of someone making one of these patterns for me in rainbow colors.
Gaggle of Geese is beautiful. My daughter is an art student – color wheel rainbow would be a great choice for her.
I’d love to challenge myself with the spiral geese – they’re so fabulous.
And I follow you on instagram
I love the spiral geese
Looks so tricky
I cannot choose a favorite pattern – I love them all!
My favorite is the Spiral of Flying Geese. Rainbow is great. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite pattern is Gaggle of Geese. Thanks for a chance and a great way to see new blogs.
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Oh my,plan and simple, I love all of your patterns!!!
I’m following you on Instagram (Rosewoodacresplus3)
The NY Beauty! But they are all amazing!
I would make these patterns in rainbow colors because Rainbow is my favorite color 🙂
OOOh the Gaggle is super …. it might even make me try paper piecing again
I really like right round. They are all great!
they are all awesome
I love your gaggle of geese – But, then again I love all your patterns!!
I like the spiral of flying geese!
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Ooohh–these all look like fun! I think I’d start with either the Gaggle of Geese or NY Beauty. Thanks for the giveaway!
I just started following you on Instagram!
I love all the patterns but Right Round is my favorite. And I’d love to try a rainbow version. 🙂
I follow you via bloglovin. 🙂
I like both the spiral and the gaggle. I’ve never made a flying goose before that I know of, it would be fun to try.
You know, I was just scrolling through the giveaways thinking, “I hope the lady who makes those flying geese swirls is here this year” because I didn’t remember who you were! Well, now I’m following you on bloglovin, and you are bookmarked. My absolute favorite is the spiral — it’s unbelievable!
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I think an ombre spiral would be cool. Thanks for participating in the Giveaway Day.
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I really like the spiral of geese, but all of them are lovely patterns.
OH MY, they are all stunning patterns and look quite complicated but I’ll give it a go with solids should I win!
I own the NY block with the geese, but I cant say which of those is my favorite!
I follow you in feedly, thank you for the giveaway!
I love flying geese and want to do them in the round. This would be an awesome prize. Thanks.
My favourite pattern is Spiral of FLying Geese and I love the rainbow – or I might pick a colour and go from dark to light.
I follow by Bloglovin’
Oh man I LOVE these patterns. wow. I would definitely make them rainbow, because I LOVE rainbow geese!
They are all spectacular. I like them all so much.
Following you on Bloglovin
Ich like all these pattern with rainbow colours.
Thanks for the chance.
I really like all of them.. but I would really like to have a go at Right Round…. love it bigtime!!!!
I’ve never used rainbow fabrics, but I would love to. Thanks for the chance.
I absolutely LOVE the Spiral of Flying Geese. Would love to win these patterns. I’d go for the rainbow look.
I can see why Gaggle of Geese is a favorite. I like it too. Just beautiful and so colorful. Thank you for being a part of the Sew Mama Sew giveaway and giving me the chance to win a pdf copy of this pattern. Merry Christmas.
Sandi Timmons
I’m a huge fan of your beautiful patterns! Most of them are already in my Craftsy wish list. 🙂 I love the NY Beauty / Geese pattern though, it’s AMAZING. I don’t know exactly how I’d do it, but I see something involving metallic prints on a dark background. Thanks for this awesome giveaway chance!
Also, I already follow you on IG – I’m @juliezryan 🙂
I really like your Spiral of Flying Geese pattern, it’s so stunning. Thanks for the chance!
I follow you on Bloglovin.
Spiral of Flying Geese is the one I like the best I think I would like to try making it only in shades of blue
I follow with bloglovin
My favorite pattern is the Ny Beauty flying geese. I love ist so much
there are all amazing and sort of terrifying. Love the spiral of geese especially
I have seen some great blocks with rainbow fabric and a black background.
I have always wanted to try flying geese like “Spiral of Geese” so I hope I win!!!!
Well, I loved the NY Beauty flying geese mini I made for a dear friend. Funny, I haven’t gotten around to making one for myself, and I WANT one! I also just received the most beautiful Right Round mini in a recent swap. Ooo, and the new Gaggle of Geese looks irresistible. It’s too hard to pick a favorite!
I also follow you via Bloglovin and Instagram, and really enjoy everything you post.
I would use rainbow fabrics for sure! Thanks
I would totally use rainbow . . . or use some of my huge pile of purples. 🙂
I love your patterns and would love to try the spiral geese with my scraps which are mostly muted colors of the rainbow. I see you have a nice tutorial on your blog. Nice.
I just signed up for your blog via email:)
Awesome giveaway! Your patterns are wonderful! I’ve always wanted to do a rainbow colored mini. Would love to try any of these, love them!
Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.
I’ve liked your spiral of geese for a long time. I would love to try this pattern out!
I’m a follower on Instagram as @usairdoll.
Super giveaway!
I love The a Spiral of Flying Geese. Have a great day!
I follow you on Bloglovin (dawn743).
They are all so beautiful! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I am a new follower via email!
I didn’t find candy fabric which is what I need right now but I did see Miss Clementine and loved that bundle
i love your gaggle of geese pattern (and all of them!)
i follow on BL-karrie smith ,
Lovely patterns! I think I would use every single one of those patterns – they are gorgeous! I think I would start with 1-2 colors (ombre effect) because I struggle with rainbow. But Rainbow is my fave, so I would also need to try at least 1 pattern in the rainbow effect.
I follow you via Bloglovin.
I love your Gaggle of Geese Pattern and think that I would like the do it in jewel tones instead of brights to work better in my house.
Loving ny beauty circle of flying geese.
Instagram follower
Your patterns are amazing! I’m dying to try the spiral of flying geese! Maybe I’ll win!!!!
I’m a FB liker!
I love gaggle of geese
I love your patterns! I would love to make the New York Beauty Circle of Geese, and it definitely begs to made made with a rainbow of colors.
I follow you on instagram as apieceworklife.
I love your Right Round pattern the best, though they’re all fantastic! I would definitely use rainbow fabrics for these, it really highlights the designs brilliantly. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I follow via email, thanks.
What a great giveaway! Gaggle of Geese is fantastic! Love is exactly how it is 🙂
I follow via bloglovin’ and instagram (@muchoxoxo). Thanks for the chance!
I love every last one of your patterns!
I follow you on IG… @lovedtopieces
I like the spiral the best. Thanks for the chance to win!
Also, I follow you on Bloglovin!
Your Gaggle of Geese grabbed my attention first, but they are all stunning !
I follow you Bloglovin. Thanks Janice !
I love spiral of flying geese!
I follow via Instagram!
I love those first two: rainbow star and snail!
Round the Block looks the most doable – the others intimidate me !
Love all the patterns ..would like to make the spiral flying geese quilt.
I follow you on email posts….
Gaggle of geese .. and I’m refusing the rainbow train .. so not for me …
Gaggle of Geese remind me of all the geese that would chase my little girls behind our house growing up and they thought that was just the most fun. Kind of like tag! =0
Merry Christmas and keep designing. Love your patterns.
I am not usually a fan of flying geese, but I like them in non-traditional settings, and particularly in rainbow colours.
I love Round the Blocks! I think some Cotton & Steel basics would look perfect.
I follow your blog and Instagram (heather81203)
They are all awesome – I love rainbow crafts. I think my favorite is Gaggle of Geese
Ummm I am both terrified of flying geese and desparate to make a quilt using them so this would be amazing!
I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite because they are all so cute. Really — not a cop out. The names are all right there, it would be easy, but I can’t! Thanks!
going to follow you on IG right now. Don’t see a link here. Thank you!
I love Gaggle of Geese
I follow you on IG
I’m an old Bloglovin’ follower!
The Spiral of flying geese is an incredible quilt. I would be curious to try it in black and low volumes!
I like the spiral of flying geese but I’m not sure my skills would get me through.
I am following on bloglovin.
I have been wanting to make a rainbow quilt. Like the gaggle!
Hi there Janice,
It would be hard to choose a favourite cuz they are all awesome patterns. I think I’d like to try them with batiks…what do you think?